You may be in debt, living paycheck to paycheck or simply can’t understand how you earn a good wage but just have no idea how it is slipping through your fingers so fast. What you have stumbled upon here is a map and compass that will help guide you and your family from harbour to harbour safely and as calmly as possible.
I will come on the journey with you to do the best we can you get you in the right direction financially to a point where you can make better decisions. Decisions made under stress are poorly thought out ones.
They say money doesn’t buy happiness but the lack of it can sure make life miserable. Lets see if we can’t afford a better class of problems together.
This will not be an easy journey and it will be slow and will require you to have strong resolve. There will be setbacks and successes, calm waters and rough.

How this site works
We begin in our metaphorical harbour with our ship and we need to take stock of its condition. This voyage will require us to assess our assets, liabilities, skills, advantages, and disadvantages.
Our ship, alas, is not in the best shape. If it were, we wouldn’t need this trusty compass. To embark on this journey wisely, click on the navigation image below to view our list of destinations. You have the freedom to visit islands in any order you choose, but as your guide, I strongly recommend beginning in Preparation Harbour. This will equip you with the most vital actions first. Skipping it might make other destinations unattainable or even perilous. For instance, it would be unwise to consider investing treasure if we cannot even cover next month’s provisions.